Hormone decline

Hormone decline is a natural part of aging that affects both men and women. As we get older, our hormone levels start to decrease, leading to changes in our bodies and health. The key hormones that decline are testosterone in men, and estrogen and progesterone in women.

When hormone levels drop, it can cause various symptoms and health issues. For men, low testosterone can lead to decreased muscle mass, loss of body hair, fatigue, mood changes, erectile dysfunction, and more. In women, declining estrogen often causes hot flashes, vaginal dryness, trouble sleeping, and bone loss. Low progesterone can also cause irregular periods, trouble getting pregnant, and mood issues.

Some key facts about hormone decline:

- It typically starts in our 30s and 40s, but can happen earlier or later depending on the person.

- Genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress can accelerate hormone decline.

- Blood tests from your doctor can check hormone levels to see if they are low for your age.

- Both men and women can benefit from hormone replacement therapy to help relieve symptoms of hormone decline. This involves getting small doses of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, or progesterone to get levels back to an optimal range.

So what can you do about hormone decline? Here are some tips:

- Eat a healthy diet high in vegetables, fruits and lean protein. Avoid excess sugar and refined carbs.

- Get regular exercise to help balance hormone levels.

- Reduce stress through yoga, meditation or other relaxing activities. Chronic stress taxes the adrenal glands.

- Get enough sleep and rest. Lack of sleep can throw off circadian rhythms and hormone production.

- Consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy if lifestyle changes don't relieve symptoms. Talk to your doctor about whether hormone therapy is right for you.

- For men, supplements like DHEA and tongkat ali may help boost testosterone levels naturally.

- For women, black cohosh and maca root supplements may help balance female sex hormones. Always check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone decline, don't just chalk it up to aging. Talk to your doctor and get your hormone levels tested. With the right treatment plan, which may include lifestyle changes, supplements or hormone therapy, you can get your hormones back in balance and feel like your younger self again. Our caring medical team can help you develop an individualized plan to improve energy, sleep, sex drive and overall wellness. Don't settle for feeling suboptimal - take charge of your health and combat hormone decline!

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