Loss of muscle mass

Loss of muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, is a condition characterized by a decrease in the size of skeletal muscle. This can occur due to disease, lack of physical activity, or natural aging. Loss of muscle mass can lead to weakness, fatigue, poor balance, and increased risk of injury.

Some key points about loss of muscle mass:

- It is caused by protein breakdown exceeding protein synthesis in muscle tissue. This leads to shrinkage of muscle fibers.

- Disuse atrophy occurs due to immobilization or lack of physical activity. The common saying "use it or lose it" applies here.

- Age-related sarcopenia is muscle loss associated with aging. After age 30, adults can lose 3-5% of muscle mass per decade.

- Disease-induced cachexia is severe muscle wasting seen in cancer, AIDS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other illnesses.

- Nutrition is important. Consuming adequate protein and calories can help minimize muscle loss. Older adults may need higher protein intakes.

- Resistance training is highly effective for building and maintaining muscle mass at all ages. Lifting weights provides the mechanical signals to stimulate muscle growth.

- Hormones like testosterone and growth hormone help regulate muscle mass. Declining levels with age can accelerate muscle loss. Hormone Harmony Clinic provides natural hormone therapy to help combat symptoms of aging.

- Getting enough sleep and managing stress are also beneficial for muscle health. High cortisol levels can contribute to muscle breakdown.

- Telltale signs of muscle loss are feeling weak when climbing stairs or getting up from a chair, increased clumsiness, loose fitting clothes around the arms and legs, and weight loss.

- See a doctor if you have rapid unexplained muscle loss, to check for underlying illness. Blood tests can help identify any nutritional deficiencies.

- With proper exercise, nutrition, and hormone balance, loss of muscle mass can be minimized as you get older. It takes consistent effort, but maintaining strong muscles is vital for mobility, independence and health. Be proactive against muscle wasting by adopting healthy lifestyle habits. *Let the experts at Hormone Harmony Clinic help you take charge of healthy aging.*

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