Muscle loss

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or disappear. This leads to a decrease in muscle mass and strength. Muscle loss can happen for various reasons:

- Aging - As we get older, muscle fibers deteriorate. This natural decline in muscle mass is called sarcopenia. It begins around age 30 and accelerates after 50.

- Inactivity - When muscles aren't used, they weaken and shrink. Being bedridden, immobilized in a cast, or sitting for long periods leads to muscle loss. This is called disuse atrophy.

- Poor nutrition - Eating an inadequate amount of protein and calories can cause the body to break down muscle tissue for energy.

- Hormone changes - Reduced levels of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 hormonal changes associated with aging can accelerate muscle loss.

- Nerve damage - When nerves are injured, the muscles they control are impacted. This can cause muscle paralysis and loss of muscle tone.

- Diseases - Certain diseases like cancer, AIDS, congestive heart failure, COPD and kidney disease increase inflammation and metabolic changes that burn muscle.

Muscle loss symptoms include feeling physically weaker, fatigue, falls, reduced functional mobility and declining performance. Diagnosis is made through physical exam, muscle strength tests and imaging like MRI or CT scans.

To combat muscle loss, it's key to stay physically active with strength training and aerobic exercise. Eating a protein-rich diet also helps maintain muscle. Some medications can slow muscle loss as well. Testosterone replacement and growth hormone therapy may help counteract hormone-related muscle loss.

If you're concerned about preserving your muscle as you age, the hormone optimization experts at Hormone Harmony Clinic can help. Their integrative treatments combine fitness, nutrition and bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to your unique needs. With locations across the country, Hormone Harmony Clinic' licensed providers offer testosterone and growth hormone therapies to help patients maintain their strength, energy and vitality. Contact them today for a consultation.

With proper prevention and treatment, muscle loss can be minimized. Staying active, eating right and optimizing hormones are key steps. Don't accept muscle loss as an inevitable part of aging. Take action now to maintain your active, healthy lifestyle. Hormone Harmony Clinic is here to help you achieve your strength goals today and beyond!

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