Is Bio Identical HRT available NHS?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is not widely available on the NHS currently. BHRT uses hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the body to supplement declining hormone levels. This differs from traditional HRT which uses synthetic or animal-derived hormones.

The key benefits of BHRT over traditional HRT are:

- The hormones are biologically identical to human hormones, meaning the body recognises and utilizes them more efficiently. This can lead to improved symptom relief with fewer side effects.

- BHRT can be customized to match the body's needs more closely, as bioidentical hormones come in varying strengths and can be combined in customized ratios.

- Some studies show BHRT has a lower risk of adverse effects like breast cancer and blood clots than synthetic HRT. More research is still needed in this area however.

- Many patients report BHRT provides superior relief of menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, sleep disturbances and emotional changes.

Despite these advantages, the NHS does not generally prescribe compounded BHRT. The main reasons are:

- A lack of large-scale clinical trials proving safety and efficacy of customized BHRT. Most studies have been small or observational.

- Concerns about unregulated manufacturing of compounded hormones. Compounding pharmacies do not have the same quality and purity standards as pharmaceutical companies.

- A lack of clear dosing guidelines for bioidenticals. More research is needed to determine optimal doses, routes of administration and cycling strategies.

- Cost - individually prepared compounded hormones are more expensive than mass-produced synthetic hormones. Restricted NHS budgets make it difficult to justify the extra costs.

- Time required for compounding. Preparing customized hormones for each patient requires more time and precision than prescribing a standard drug.

Some NHS GPs may occasionally prescribe bioidentical hormones off-label, if they feel the potential benefits outweigh the risks for an individual. However, this is not common practice. Most patients who want BHRT need to seek private clinics like Hormone Harmony Clinic.

Hormone Harmony Clinic provides individually tailored BHRT programmes for both men and women. Our experienced medical team uses cutting edge diagnostic testing to determine your unique hormone needs. We then formulate a completely custom BHRT plan to restore hormonal balance and provide optimal relief of symptoms.

Key features of our BHRT programme include:

- Comprehensive lab testing of hormone, nutrient and metabolic markers using innovative Dried Blood Spot tests. This pinpoints exactly which hormones need support.

- Personalised BHRT creams, gels or sublingual drops, using high quality bioidentical hormones from reputable compounding pharmacies.

- Ongoing monitoring and dosage adjustments to ensure optimum hormonal balance is maintained.

- Nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle advice tailored to your needs, for optimal wellbeing.

- Supportive, caring team of doctors, nutritionists and coaches.

Hormone Harmony Clinic' personalised BHRT programmes achieve remarkable results. Our patients report life-changing improvements in energy, sleep, mood, sexual health, skin and muscle tone and many other areas. We've seen miraculous reversal of symptoms that other doctors had dismissed as untreatable.

If you're struggling with hormonal issues that are impacting your quality of life, we encourage you to explore beyond what the NHS typically provides. Contact Hormone Harmony Clinic today for a consultation to see if our individualised BHRT therapy is right for you. We're committed to helping you feel healthy, vibrant and alive again!

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